Face au terrorisme islamiste et a la pandémie du covid-19: Leaders chrétiens et musulmans promeuvent une dynamique du vivre ensemble

In the face of Islamist terrorism and the covid-19 pandemic: Christian and Muslim leaders promote a dynamic of living together


  • Vicent Feroldi Directeur du SNRM / Conférence des évêques de France Service national pour les relations avec les musulmans


Islamisme, terrorism, COVID-19, solidarity, fraternity, citizenship


This article will cover how, at the beginning of the third millennium, the Catholic and Muslim Christian leaders reacted to Islamist terrorism and the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also assess whether they’ve answered the address of Pope John Paul II on January 10, 2000: “Never again must there be separation between people! Never again must some be opposed to others! Everyone must live
together, under God’s watchful eyes!”. This article demonstrates how these extreme events have led religious leaders to overcome their disagreements to work together and serve all humanity and our Common Home. The initiative of Pope Francis and Sheikh Al-Tayeb around the joint Document on Human Fraternity is key to this change. This new dynamic is rooted in an open hermeneutic, an enhancement of citizenship and the predominance of prayer.




How to Cite

Feroldi, V. (2022). Face au terrorisme islamiste et a la pandémie du covid-19: Leaders chrétiens et musulmans promeuvent une dynamique du vivre ensemble: In the face of Islamist terrorism and the covid-19 pandemic: Christian and Muslim leaders promote a dynamic of living together. Horitzó Revista De ciències De La Religió, 1(2), 77–91. Retrieved from https://horitzo.elc.euniv.eu/index.php/horitzo/article/view/52